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Gig Number Two (2007) DVDRip 400MB

Sinopsis :

The original "Four Golden Rules" of how to treat your GIG created by the legendary Gig Master, Yai, founder of The Gig Club was used by a new generation of four young fellows all looking for love. Their target… five distinguished girls who run in the same circle of friends.
The four guys all desperate for love soon learn that any strategy followed to the "T" usually ends up in a bust and discover their only remaining role model, Jack, a member of the legendary Four Saints has a love life that can be compared to a raunchy soap opera! In desperation, they all come together to create their own HOW-TO-FIND-LOVE list in hopes of finding some action!

Info :

Nama lain: เดอะ กิ๊ก 2 (The Gig 2)
Tahun: 2007
Tanggal Rilis: 20 September 2007 (Thailand)
Negara: Thailand
Bahasa: Thai
Subtitle: Indonesia
Kategori Film: Comedy, Romance

Link Download :

Subtitle Indonesia : [Click Here]


999-9999 (2002) DVDRip 1GB

Sinopsis :

A transfer student becomes the center of attention at her new school when she relates the tales of the mysterious deaths at her old school. She reports that the deaths are linked to an evil phone number: 999-9999, that will grant the wish of any caller but with a price. Despite her warnings against using the phone number, many of her new friends cannot resist the temptation and one by one they meet with a grisly accident.

Info :

Director: Peter Manus
Cast: Chulachak Chakrabongse, Sririta Jensen, Paula Taylor
AKA: ต่อ ติด ตาย
Year: 2002
Country: Thailand
Language: Thai
Film Genre: Horror

Link Download :

Subtitle : [Click Here]


4 Romance (2008) DVDRip 300MB

Sinopsis :

The film puts together 4 love stories delivered by 4 leading filmmakers. Each story offers unique angles of love from different perspective and storytelling style. 4 Romance contains 4 genres: comedy, drama, action, and musical. Discover the answer and the meaning of love in 4 Romance.

Info :

Also Known As: Fun waan aai joop
Directed by: Chukiat Sakveerakul / Prachya Pinkaew / Bundit Thongdee / Rachen Limtrakool
Country: Thailand
Language: Thai
Year: 2008
Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama, Musical
Official website: ""

Cast :

-Dream: Director: Chukiat Sakveerakul 
-Sweet: Director: Prachya Pinkaew
Cast:Shahkrit Yamnarm
Wasit Pongsopha
Apinya Sakuljaroensuk 
-Shy: Director: Bhandit Thongdee
Cast:o Kanya Rattapetch 
-Kiss Director: Rachen Limtrakul
Cast: Mario Muarer 
-Other Cast Members:
Shahkrit Yamnarm
Suttida Kasemsan Na Ayutthaya

Link Download :

Subtitle Indonesia : (n/a)

rar password : drg.swastiparamita

A Crazy Litte Thing Call Love 2

A Crazy Litte Thing Call Love 2

Sinopsis :


  • Cerita ini bermula dengan akhir wawancara yang kemudian Shone berkata, "Nam, maukah kamu jadi pacarku" dan dia ingin sekali mengucapkan terimakasih atas pemberian mawar putih dari Nam.
  • Mereka pun menjadi sorotan publik setelah itu.
  • Selanjutnya, cerita ini akan mengungkapkan beberapa adegan dimana Shone memberi Nam surat-surat berisi dukungan saat Nam sedang mengejar karir di bidang fashionnya. Meskipun mereka berdua terpisah, Shone masih berupaya untuk mengetahui apa yang terjadi kepada Nam. Dia bahkan pergi ke fashion show pertaman Nam di AS.
  • Hal itu untuk menunjukkan bahwa Shone juga mencoba melakukan "9 Resep Cinta" kepada Nam.
  • Cerita ini akan memperlihatkan Shone mengaku kepada Top setelah pulang dari kamp. Tentu saja Top marah. Sementara saat itu Pin mendengarnya juga pengakuan Shone. Pin menerima permintaan maaf Shone dan berkata bahwa dia telah mengetahui nya namun tidak dipungkiri bahwa di hati kecilnya dia terluka. Setelah dua tahun berlalu, karena komitmen pertemanan, Shone dan Top bersahabat lagi.
  • Setelah sampai di America, Nam merindukan Shone. Jadi, dia membuat beberapa catatan hal-hal yang dia rindukan dari Shone. Satu hal untuk satu hari dan dia tetap mempelajarinya meskipun orang-orang mengkritik ulahnya.
  • Shone tidak pernah tertarik kepada gadis lain apalagi memberi mereka perhatian. Setelah dua tahun, Top menikahi "Gadis Mangga" yang mengganggu Nam dulu. Tetapi kemudian Top mengetahui bahwa gadis itu mengkhianatinya. Itulah sebabnya Shone membuat web yang memberi nasehat para laik-laki tentang permasalahan cintanya.

HAPPY MOMENTS (Masa-Masa Bahagia)

  • Setelah wawancara, Shone dan Nam memulai hubungan indah mereka. Mereka berkencan, berjalan-jalan dan merayakan "monthsaries" layaknya remaja. Mereka pergi ke jembatan dimana dulu Shone menceritakan dongeng tentang pasangan cumi-cumi kepada Nam dan melamar Nam.
  • Mereka belum pernah merasakan ciuman pertama mereka.
  • Boat adalah paman terbaik Shone. Guru Boat dan Guru In sedang menikah dan di dalam pernikahan itu Shone dan Nam menjadi best man dan maid honor. Mereka berdua mendapat buket bunga dan garter.
  • Cher, Gie dan Nim bertaruh siapa yang akan menjadi maid honor Nam saat pernikahan. Nam berkata siapa yang memberinya hadiah terbaik akan menjadi pemenang
  • Kancing yang dibuat oleh Nam yang ditalikan di pena. Kancing-kancing dan mawar putih akan menjadi tema pernikahan mereka.
  • Sebelum menikah, pasangan itu berlayar dan mengatakan bahwa ini akan menjadi awal masa-masa kebahagian mereka. Tidak ada yang mengetahui kepergian mereka.

CONFLICT (Konflik) 

  • Sebuah hal buruk terjadi. Kapal yang mereka tumpangi karam saat berlayar di Laut China. Sebelum mereka berdua terpisah oleh air laut, mereka hanya sempat mengucapkan"Aku mencintaimu" satu sama lain.
  • Shone ditemukan oleh perempuan 30 tahun berkewarganegaraan Korea. Dia bisa berbicara beberapa bahasa karena dia adalah seorang penerjemah bahasa di sebuah perusahan. Walaupun begitu, Shone juga bisa berbahasa Korea.
  • Sedangkan, Nam ditemukan oleh seorang penyanyi Filipina yang berkewarganegaraan Thailand tetapi sekarang dia tinggal bersama pamannya yang merupakan orang Filipina.
  • Shone dan Nam sama sama kehilangan ingatan mereka. Mereka juga tidak memiliki identitas apapun.
  • Perempuan yang menemukan Shone bernama Nana, dia lari dari pernikahannya dengan tiga laki-laki. Dia sedang mengambil cuti untuk menenangkan diri, dia kaget saat dia menemukan seorang malaikat dan menamainya Hue karena laki-laki itu tidak ingat apapun tetapi dia memanggil laki-laki itu Cupid karena dia adalah malaikat cinta dari surga. Dia mendapat banyak keuntungan dari laki-laki itu tetapi dengan cara yang ramah dan Cupid menikmati perusahaannya. Dia juga menggoda laki-laki itu dan berterimakasih kepada Tuhan atas pemberian hidangan daging yaitu Cupid. Dia juga membantunya untuk menemukan identitasnya lagi.
  • Sedangkan penyanyi yang menemukan Nam bernama Jhong yaitu seorang laki-laki lajang yang selalu mengingat kematian Ibunya. Dia memiliki rumah pantai dan menemukan seorang perempuan di pesisir pantai dan menamainya Psyche karena dia mencintainya pada pandangan pertama. Dia mengajarkan Psyche cara untuk beradaptasi dengan kebudayaan dan pesta-pesta di negara mereka dan mengundang Psyche untuk melihat pertunjukkannya dan mengajari tentang lagunya. Dia lucudan tingkah konyolnya bahkan saat dia hanya menatap Psyche tanpa alasan apapun. Dia hanya memiliki sedikit teman Thea (dari tetangganya) yang selalu menggoda Psyche.
  • Sedikit demi sedikit Shone dan Nam mengingat kenangan mereka.
  • Nana dan Jhong lah yang mendapat ciuman pertama mereka (Shone dan Nam).
  • Jhong memutuskan pergi ke Thailand bersama Psyche dan Nana seusai melanjutkan pekerjaannya mempelajari Cupid mulai dari kecelakaan perlayarannya dan memutuskan untuk mengembalikan Cupid.


  • Sebuah mimpi membuat Shone dan Nam mengingat semuanya. Mereka berdua berlari menuju jembatan dimana mereka bertemu kembali.
  • Nam berkata kepada Shone bahwa seseorang telah mengambil ciuman pertamanya. Shone berkata, "Aku akan menghapusnya." dan dia menghapusnya menggunakan ibu jarinya. Kemudian Shone mengingat bahwa dia juga sudah memberikan ciuman pertamanya jadi Nam menirukan apa yang Shone lakukan. Dan disana, mereka melakukan ciuman pertama mereka.
  • Mereka pulang seperti tidak pernah terjadi apapun.
  • Nana mendapati bahwa Shone adalah alasan mengapa tiga pernikahannya gagal karena postingan yang Shone buat untuk wanita-wanita bebas yang memiliki kebiasaan buruk dan nasehatnya diberikan untuk tiga calon pengantin pria. Nana marah dan menampar Shone. Nana adalah penulis dari "9 Resep Cinta" setelah dia mengunjungi Thailand untuk mempelajari bahasa dan budaya Thailand.
  • Jhong senang Nam akhirnya bertemu Shone. Dia pulang ke rumah lamanya di Thailand dan membuka kenangan-kenangannya di dalam album berisi foto Nam, buku harian dan benda-benda yang berhubungan dengan Nam. Cerita ini juga akan menunjukkan bahwa dia adalah teman sekelas Shone yang juga diam-diam mencintai Nam. Dia juga merupakan pemilik kancing harta karun Nam, alasan mengapa Shone pergi ke kolam, mengapa Shone mengetahui nama Nam, dan mengapa Nam menjadi terkenal di sekolah karena dia lah yang memutarkan video Snow White milik Nam. Dia percaya apa yang diucapkan ibunya kepadanya bahwa dia hanya harus melakukan hal-hal yang membuat seseorang yang dicintainya merasa bahagia.
  • Cher memenangkan kontes dengan memberikan Nam hadiah terbaik yang pernah ada.
  • Shone dan Nam menikah
  • Shone meminta maaf kepada Nana dan mengundangnya ke pesta dimana disana Nana bertemu Top.
  • Shone memiliki penyakit jantung yang diwarisi dari kakeknya. Nam sangat khawatir ketika Shone kambuh saat pesta.
  • Shone membutuhkan jantung dan beruntungnya dia mendapat donor.
  • Shone dan Nam memutuskan dan ingin untuk berterimakasih kepada pendonor bersama-sama. Keluarga pendonor memberi mereka kesempatan untuk berterimakasih secara langsung. Shone berkata dia akan datang setelahnya. Nam mendapati itu adalah Jhong yang menderita penyakit usus dilarang untuk meminum alkohol. (dia menderita penyakitnya ketika ibunya meninggal 3 tahun lalu.)
  • Shone mengenalinya dan berterimakasih untuk semuanya kemudian Jhong mengucapkan pesan terakhirnya (seperti berterimakasih kepada Nam dan perasaan bahagianya, dia akan menjadi bagian dari seseorang yang Nam cintai (jantung Shone) dan dia meminta Nam untuk menyanyikan lagu milik ibunya yang diajarkannya kepada Nam. Kemudian, dia menunggal.
  • Top is married with Nana while Shone and Nam visited the cemetery where Jhong was buried. They introduce their son name after Jhong’s Thai name “Kip” and promise him they’ll live out the opportunity he gave them. Nam reveals what Cher gave to her. A song that really fits her.
  • Top menikah dengan Nana sementara Shone dan Nam mengunjungi makam dimana Jhong dimakamkan. Mereka memperkenalkan nama putra mereka setelah nama Thai Jhong "Kip" dan berjanji kepada Jhong mereka akan menjalani kesempatan yang dia beri kepada mereka. Nam menceritakan apa yang Cher berikan kepadanya. Sebuah lagu yang sangat cocok untuknya.

    Link Download :

Love at First Flood (2012) DVDRip 1GB and 350MB

Sinopsis :

Film ini rilis tahun 2012, proses pembuatannya sendiri dilakukan ketika terjadi banjir besar di Thailand 2011 kemarin. Oke, dari judulnya udah bisa ketebak dong ya? Tapi siapa jatuh cinta sama siapa? Relawan sama korban banjir? Atau korban banjir sama relawan? Yap, keduanya benar. Lebih tepatnya mereka berdua sama-sama relawan sekaligus korban banjir. Saat banjir besar melanda Thailand, Thoong diajak sahabatnya untuk menjadi relawan dan membantu para korban banjir di pengungsian. Dari sanalah dia dipertemukan kembali dengan teman semasa SD nya, Mei Sui. Mereka berdua tidak pernah akur semenjak SD, bahkan saat kembali bertemu di pengungsian. Thoong yang selalu mengejek Mei Sui, begitupula sebaliknya.
Flashback masa lalu mereka yang selalu jahil-menjahili itu menurut gue sangat koplak kalo harus kejadian beneran in a real life, tapi disadari atau tidak, hal itu yang membuat mereka berdua jadi peduli satu sama lain, walaupun tetap yang keluar dari mulut mereka cacian dan ledekan. Ternyata rumah mereka tak begitu jauh jaraknya. Dan parahnya lagi, orangtua mereka pun saling kenal, bukan sebagai tetangga yang baik tapi malah bermusuhan, yaah like parents like daughter / son lah

Info :

AKA: รักเอาอยู่ [rak aow yu]
Year: 2012
Country: Thailand
Language: Thai
Subtitles: NONE
Film Genre: Romance / Comedy

Link Download :



Subtitle : Indonesia


Rak Woey Hey (2012 ) DVDRip 364MB

Sinopsis :

Bercerita tentang seorang yang berprofesi sebagai programmer. Dengan tingkahnya yang kocak programmer tersebut ternyata telah menaruh hati kepada seorang perempuan yang berprofesi sebagai DJ. Tetapi Sang Programer ini merupakan orang yang kaku dan canggung serta kurang bisa mengungkapkan isi hatinya. Maka dari itu Proggrammer ini minta bantuan seseorang utuk menjadi Guru cintanya.
Parahnya Guru Cinta ini mengajarkan sesuatu yang bersifat konyol dan kocak.

Info :

Title : Rak Woey Hey (2012)
Release Date : 12 Januari 2012
Quality : DVDRip.x264.AAC-LC
Cast : Nakhorn Silachai, Pongpitch Preechaborisuthikul, Chayanuch Boonthanapibul
Director : Kullachat Jitkajornwanich.
Info : Thailand Movie
Genre : Comedy | Drama

Link Download :

Subtitle Indonesia : N/A


My True Friend (2012) DVDRip 300MB

Sinopsis :

Gun, a rich spoiled teenager, forms a gang with a group of friends. They get involved in a numerous of fights between other rival gangs. But things soon get more serious and their friendship is tested to the limits.

Info :

AKA: มึงกู เพื่อนกันจนวันตาย
Year: 2012
Country: Thailand
Language: Thai
Subtitles: Thai
Film Genre: Action

Link Download :

1GB 720p

Subtitle : Indonesia


Dear Galileo (2009) DVDRip 450MB

Sinopsis :

A story of two Thai girls nicknamed Cherry and Noon who plan to backpack to Europe for a year. They took off for reasons totally understandable for most teenagers, but unfathomable to adults. 
“One is suspended from university while another one is heart broken.” Their plan was very simple: get a student visa to take an English course, but their true motivation is to save money, travel, and experience the world. The destinations were the ‘Big Three’ of Europe – London, Paris, and Rome. Before they took this trip, they swore: #1. No matter what happens, not to leave each other. #2. To never break rule #1 However, as we all know never say “never” when it comes to life being that you will “never” know what might happen. 

Cast :

Chutima Theepanarth
Jarinporn Junkiet
Ray MacDonald

Link Download :

Subtitle : Muxed

Cool Gel Attacks (2010) DVDRip 300MB

Sinopsis :

A Thai comedy movie starring a number of TV comedians in a story about a cool gel that falls from the sky and turns into a cute yet lethal monster. It multiplies, and the blobs try to worm their way into people’s bodies. It’s all about laughs rather than scares.

Info :

Title: Kra Deub (Cool Gel Attacks) กระดึ๊บ
Director: Jaturong Mokjok
Starring: Jaturong Mokjok, Jim Chuancheun, Nuttapong Chatpong, Patarasaya Kreusuwansiri
Rating: All (Comedy)
Release Date in Thailand : 2 December 2010

Link Download :

Subtitle : Indonesia

407 Dark Flight (2012) DVDRip 350MB

Sinopsis :

10 tahun lalu pramugari bernama New (Marsha Vadhanapanich) berhasil diselamatkan dari kecelakaan pesawat. Seolah tak ingin terjebak dengan ketakutan masa lalu, dia memutuskan untuk terbang lagi bersama awak dan kru pesawat SA 407.Dalam penerbangan tersebut, banyak kejadian di luar nalar yang menimpa para penumpang. Teror arwah penasaran tersebut memakan korban nyawa. Satu persatu awak pesawat pun meninggal secara mengenaskan. Rahasia apakah yang membuat teror mengerikan itu terjadi?

Info : 

Rating: 7.1/10

Tanggal Rilis:22 Maret 2012
Sutradara:Isara Nadee
Produksi:Five Star Production
Durasi: 104 menit

Link Download :

#Subtitle Include in .rar

Art Idol (2012) DVDRip 400MB

Synopsis :

The movie is about two people who are the exact opposite. Art know what he wants to achieve in life. He wants fame as an artist but doesn’t have the confidence that he has the talent to get him there. On the other hand, Foon is more logical and follows a linear path to get to her goals.

Info : 

aka อยากให้เธอรู้ว่ากูติสท์
Info: [Thai-Movie]
Release Date: 2012
Genre: Romance / Musical

Cast :

Chanakant Phoonsiriwong
Kornkamol Charoenchai

Link Download :

Subtitle : Indonesia

SuckSeed!! (2011) DVDRip 500MB

Synopsis : 

A teen comedy about a group of high-school students who form a band even though they’re not remotely gifted with music. Their intention is to impress girls. But when a pretty young student turns up and wants to join the band as a guitarist, things start to get interesting.

Info : 

AKA: ห่วยขั้นเทพ (Huay Khan Thep)
Year: 2011
Country: Thailand
Language: Thai
Subtitles: Thai hearing impaired
Film Genre: Comedy / Music
Director: Chayanop Boonprakob
Cast: Jirayu La-ongmanee, Natcha Nuanjam, Pashorn Jiratiwat, Thawat Pornrattanaprasert

Link Download : 

Subtitle : Indonesia


Sorry Saranghaeyo (2010) DVDRip 400MB

Synopsis :

Kanaa, a crazed Thai fan of Korean dramas, travels to Korea to find her beloved idol Ajoo. Accompanying her are her two male friends Chai and Won who, unbeknownst to Kanaa, also have feelings for her. How will this adventure turn out for Kanaa?

Cast :

No Ajoo as himself
Haru Yamaguchi as Kanaa
Guy Ratchanon as Chai
Port Sawun as Won

Link Download :

Subtitle : [Click Here]
Pass : sorry

First Love (2013) DVDRip 960MB

Synopsis :

Namnan falls in love with aspiring ballroom dancer Pakbung. As it's the first time Namnan's found love, he does all he can to help Pakbung achieve her dream, not knowing their relationship might not be everlasting.

Info :

Source: DVD9 PAL
File Format: MP4
Video Codec: x264 core140 r2377
Resolution: 720x400
Frame Rate: 25 fps
Video Bitrate: 1335 CRF=17.0
Audio: stereo AAC-LC 128 ABR 2-pass
Video Runtime: 1 hour 32 mins

Link Download :

Subtitle : (N/A)

Threesome (2012) DVDRip 1GB

Synopsis :

Pom just broke up and he decides to move in with his ex-girlfriend. However she is already in a relationship and her boyfriend suddenly returns. But Pom decides he'll try to win her back and she'll have to choose between the two guys.

Info :

AKA: สามเรา (sam rao)
Year: 2012
Country: Thailand
Language: Thai
Subtitles: NONE
Film Genre: Romance
Format : mp4

Link Download :

Subtitle : (N/A)

Note : hapus tulisan "rar" yang di bagian ujung, kemudian join menggunakan HJSPLIT
pass : bagelo87


[TV Series] Full House (2014)

Sinopsis : 

It’s the Thai version of the famous and popular Korean drama Full House.Aom-am is a naive writer who got swindled out of everything she owned including her house.Stranded in Korea, she managed to borrow money from an actor Mike to return to Thailand. On her return, she found out that her house was bought by Mike. In an attempt to get her possessions back, she entered in a contract marriage with Mike. The initially business relationship between the two turns into personal as they start to rely and care for each other. Based on a popular manhwa of the same title.

Info : 

Title : Full Hou$e (Thai-Drama) (2014)
Alternative Title(s) : Woon nuk ruk tem barn
Indonesia Subtitles: Yes
Number of Episodes: 20
Genre : Comedy, Romance
Quality : DVDRip 720p
Date Aired : January 11, 2014

Link Download :

Episode 1 : [Part I] , [Part II]
Episode 2 : [Part I] , [Part II] , [Part III]
Episode 3 : [Part I] , [Part II]
Episode 4 : [Part I] , [Part II]
Episode 5 : [Part I] , [Part II]
Episode 6 : [Part I] , [Part II]
Episode 7 : [Part I] , [Part II]
Episode 8 : [Part I] , [Part II] , [Part III]
Episode 9 : [Part I] , [Part II]
Episode 10 : [Part I] , [Part II]
Episode 11 : [Part I] , [Part II]
Episode 12 : [Part I] , [Part II]
Episode 13 : [Part I] , [Part II]
Episode 14 : [Part I] , [Part II] , [Part III]
Episode 15 : [Part I] , [Part II] , [Part III]
Episode 16 : [Part I] , [Part II]
Episode 17 : [Part I] , [Part II]
Episode 18 : [Part I] , [Part II]
Episode 19 : [Part I] , [Part II] , [Part III]
Episode 20 END : [Part I] , [Part II] , [Part III]

Bonus Ost Full House : [Click Here]
Download Subtitle 


[TV Series] Cinderella’s Flip Flops (2013)

Synopsis :

Haan (Min) is dowdy a shoes sales associate at BKK Plaza, a department store that Khunchai’s family owns. Bue (Pae) is a newly hired sales associate working in the men’s undergarment department. By chance, Khunchai rescues Haan when she passes out in the restroom. Haan wants to thank him in person but she realizes that she will never get a chance to once she learns that he’s the son of the mall owner. Maprow and Mam, Haan’s coworkers and friends decided to help by giving Haan and makeover so she can attend Khunchai’s party. Haan finally gets to meet Khunchai once again but out of embarrassment, she lies about being a socialite named Honey. But before Haan can explain and thank him, a photographer takes a photo of them together. Out of fear of her secret being exposed, she leaves the party and Khunchai in a rush.

As luck would have it, Khunchai has taken a like to Haan and wishes to date her. Haan cannot believe this since it has been her dream of leading a life like Cinderella. So with Bue’s and the rest of her friends’ help, Haan is able to keep pretending to be Honey. But how long can Haan keep living her life as Honey before the truth comes out? And will her dream of becoming Cinderella become a reality? Is a pair of glass slippers something that she wants or just a pair of flipflops?

Info :

Title: Cinderella Rong Tao Tae / เป้ มิน ซินเดอเรลล่ารองเท้าแตะ
Also known as: Cinderella’s Flip Flops
Duration: 15 Episodes
Genre: Romance/Comedy
Popularity: Add info here
Air time: Mon-Thurs
Broadcast network: Channel 7
Broadcast period: August 21, 2013-October 9, 2013
Theme song: "Young Sode" by Olives

Link Download :
720p HD
Subtitle : English [Hardsub]
Password (If Needed) : wishyouluck,shasha


[TV Series] Rahut Torachon (2011)

Synopsis :

Thayu (Sunthisook Promsiri) works for and is a close friend of Bpatawee (Thun Hirasa). Bpatawee ordered to kill him, but he survived. He waited for a chance at revenge when Bpatawee was about to have his first child. He went and kidnapped the baby girl. The hospital was afraid of revealing the truth so they took a farmer’s baby and used her in place of President Bpatawee’s actual daughter, which he thought she really was. 

Thayu raised the baby and named her Matsaya (Araya A. Harget). He taught her how to be a thief and trained her how to fight in various styles. He longed for the time she would return to kill her own father. He set up an organization and became leader of Sa Ming Sa. He took in and raised many orphans, teaching them how to rob and plunder for the organization.
24 years later, Matsaya grew up with 3 friends. There’s Aira (Sarah Legg), Khemika (Panchanida Seesaaram), and Natmon (Maneerat Kamuan). There’s also Chanon (Aphinan Prasoetwatthanakun) who’s a leader of their group. While they were young, Matsaya was sent to be the god daughter of an English family and Aira was sent to be the god daughter with the foreign ministry of Russia.

While Matsaya was raised to be a theif, Naethiya (the girl she was switched with) was raised like a princess and has a sister name Nirada. The two sisters doesn’t really get along since both fell for the same guy. Chief Investigator Singha (Theeradeth Wongpuapan), who’s the head of security for their father. There’s also Captain Tawee and his helper, who’s a rival with Singha.

Matsaya received orders to assassinate President Bpathawee during Naethiya’s fashion show. But she failed when Singha covered Bpatawee and took the bullets. The two fought furiously until Matsaya was almost unmasked when Aira came in and helped her in time. She was angry at him for ruining her assassination attempt and tried to kill Singha many times but failed. All the while Singha was starting to show interest in her without knowing she’s the culprit they have been searching for.

Bpatawee received a mysterious letter saying his daughter’s was switched. He assigned Singha and Narathip, who’s his son, to go and investigate the truth. Naethiya overheard and seek out the truth herself, finding out she is not his real daughter. She never told anyone this however. Singha then traveled to meet the person who’s Naethiya’s real father, with Naethiya following him. He caught her, but she begged him not to tell that man she’s his daughter because she can’t accept an ordinary person as her father.

Narathip bumped into Aira and immediately liked her and begin to pursue her. There was to be a welcoming party for the Minister of Russia. Matsaya, Khemika and Natmon disguised as Russian girls to perform a show at the party. Aira was the one set to bring in and prepare the weapons. When there was an opening, Matsaya tried to shoot Bpatawee but failed again. The police have set up tight security for the event. Matsaya ended up being shot by Singha.
Singha was suspicious of Aira that she might be have something to do with the terrorism. Narathip then volunteered to find out the truth from Aira herself. After being shot, Matsaya got help from Rungrawi, who owns a gallery. Matsaya would often send her painting over to sell. Rungrawi knows Matsaya is a part of the Organization because she also use to be one of them. She even use to be the lover of their leader but she left wanting a normal life for herself.
Thayu berated Matsaya for not succeeding in killing Bpatawee. All her friends felt bad for her so they asked to help her in killing Bpatawee but Thayu refused to let them help. This caused the others to get suspicious and question why he wanted only Matsaya to do it.
Narathip started seeing Aira causing Singha to meet with Matsaya. When they’re close Singha realized Matsaya dislike him, which he doesn’t understand why. He started to follow her but Matsaya found out and revealed to Singha that she wanted to kill him. Everything started to come together for Singha and he knows she’s a part of Sa Ming Sa as well as Aira.
Matsaya started to also get suspicious of Tayu’s order to kill Bpathwee. She started to investigate and found out she’s actually Bpathwee’s daughter. She was shocked and couldn’t believe Tayu had kidnapped her from her own family and tried to get her to kill her own father when she loved and respected Thayu like her own father.

Narathip ask Aira to turn into a good person and provide information on Sa Ming Sa to the police. Aira went to seek advice from Matsaya but she couldn’t promise anything because she planned on getting revenge on Thayu. Aira told Singha this causing him to be concern. He confessed he was in love with Matsaya but she didn’t accept and was determine to kill Thayu. Singha then told Bpatawee Matsaya was his real daughter. What Naethiya found out, she planned on getting rid of her. She informed the commanding officer and his people so they can plan for an arrest. However, Singha saved her in time causing her to become impressed and grateful for the love he has for her.

Matsaya went by herself to try to kill Thayu but was captured by him as a hostage instead. He asked for Bpatawee to use himself to trade place with his daughter, Matsaya. Singha and the police planned an attack on Sa Ming Sa along with Aira, Natmon, and Khemika who turned over a new leaf to help their friend. Singha and Matsaya were then able to defeat Thayu and Chanon. Matsaya almost died from her injuries but was able to pull through. The four friends were happy to be together again as good citizens since they helped out the police. Singha and Matsaya’s love was going well along with Narathip and Aira.
But all the problem hasn’t gone away. Apparently Thayu and Chanon are still alive and have fully recovered. Now they plan to return and kill the 4 girls. Who’s going to stay and who’s going to go. How will the couple fare against this danger, just watch Rahut Torrachon…

Info :

Title: Rahut Torachon (รหัสทรชน)
Also known as: Code of Triads
Company Name: UMA 99
Genre: Drama/Action
Popularity: top rated/low rated/failure
Air time: Wednesday - Thursday (Prime Time)
Broadcast network: Channel 3
Broadcast period: February 3, 2011 -
Theme song: "Kae Lom Hai Jai(แค่ลมหายใจ) & Haak Young Ruk Gun (หากยังรักกัน)"

Cast :

Sara Legge as Aira
Tah Warit Tipgomut as Narathip
Not Vorarit Fuangarome as Character Name
A Passin Reungwoot as Character Name
Saranyoo Prachakrit (Beam) as Character Name
Patsorn Boonyagiat as Character Name
Toon Hirunyasap as Character Name
Sruangsuda Lawanprasert as Character Name
Ton Jakkrit Ammarat as Character Name
Suchao Pongwilai as Character Name

Link Download :

Episode 1 : [Click Here]
Episode 2 : [Click Here]
Episode 3 : [Click Here]
Episode 4 : [Click Here]
Episode 5 : [Click Here]
Episode 6 : [Click Here]
Episode 7 : [Click Here]
Episode 8 : [Part I] , [Part II]
Episode 9 : [Part I] , [Part II]
Episode 10 : [Part I] , [Part II]
Episode 11 : [Part I] , [Part II]
Episode 12 : [Part I] , [Part II]
Episode 13 : [Part I] , [Part II]
Episode 14 : [Part I] , [Part II]
Episode 15 End : [Part I] , [Part II]



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